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King Alfred the Great - Statue

65 The Broadway, Winchester SO23 9BE United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Open Today: -


  • Wheelchair-accessible car park
  • Wheelchair-accessible entrance
  • Good for kids

Best Begendy Reviews

Winchester kommt mir wie ein kleines verschlafenes Städtchen aus dem vorigen Jahrhundert vor. Kleine, alte urige Kneipen mit viel Holz, das der Wurm zerfrisst. Ich stellte mir alles größer vor. Schöne Parks mit sattem grünem Rasen, aber auch viele dreckige Ecken mit hohem Sanierungsbedarf.
Er begrüßt alle Touristen
Gedenken an einen legendären englischen König in der Wikingerzeit
Diese Statue für König Alfred wurde 1899 gebaut.
Gepflegt. Restauriert. Mit Blumenbeeten.
Soooo schön

Quick Facts About King Alfred the Great - Statue

King Alfred the Great, a legendary English king from the Viking Age, is commemorated through a statue in Winchester. The statue, built in 1899, is a significant tourist attraction in the town. The comments regarding the statue and its surroundings depict both the strengths and weaknesses of the King Alfred the Great - Statue place.
One of the strengths of the location is its welcoming nature towards tourists. As one comment suggests, King Alfred greets all tourists who visit the statue. This friendly atmosphere helps create a positive experience for visitors and encourages them to explore the area further.
Another strength lies in the historical significance of the statue. King Alfred is considered a national hero, known for his defense against Viking invasions and his contributions to the development of a unified England. The statue serves as a memorial to his greatness and the pivotal role he played during his reign. This historical significance makes the area a must-visit for history enthusiasts and those interested in the Viking Age.
The statue itself is well-maintained and has been restored, adding to its appeal. The presence of flower beds around the statue enhances its aesthetic value, making it visually pleasing. These well-kept surroundings contribute to the positive impression of the place.
The comments also highlight the beauty of the area. One commenter expresses how stunning and beautiful the place is, indicating its attractiveness to visitors. These positive impressions of beauty and aesthetics add to the overall strengths of the King Alfred the Great - Statue place.
However, there are also weaknesses that can be observed from the comments. One comment mentions how Winchester feels like a small, sleepy town from a previous century, with small, old pubs that appear worn and in need of repair. This suggests that the immediate surroundings of the statue may not be as well-developed or modern as one might expect. The presence of dirty areas in need of renovation also indicates a potential lack of upkeep in certain parts of the town.
Despite these weaknesses, it is worth noting that the comments do not specifically refer to the statue place itself, but rather to the general feel and appearance of Winchester. Therefore, it can be concluded that the weaknesses mentioned are not directly related to the King Alfred the Great - Statue place.
In conclusion, the King Alfred the Great - Statue place in Winchester has several strengths, including its welcoming atmosphere for tourists and its historical significance as a memorial to a renowned king. The well-maintained condition of the statue and the surrounding flower beds contribute to its appeal. The area's beauty and aesthetics also make it a worthwhile destination. However, there are weaknesses mentioned regarding the general appearance and upkeep of the town of Winchester, which may indirectly affect the overall experience of the statue place. Nonetheless, the strengths of the King Alfred the Great - Statue place outweigh these weaknesses, making it an interesting and worthwhile attraction for visitors.

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